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March 1997 104 bluebird 2nd class section (Paul Quinn)

Picture - pf_1178

This Photo is part of Author/Collection: "Paul Quinn"
'pf_1175 - 7.1.1997 - 255 stored Islington' 'pf_1176 - March 1997 - 1st class Section of Bluebird 100' 'pf_1177 - March 1997 - 100 bluebird trailer - 2nd class section' 'pf_1178'

'pf_1179 - March 1997 - 104&100 stored at Port Augusta Workshop' 'pf_1180 - March 1997 - 104&100 stored at Port Augusta' 'pf_1181 - March 1997 - Cab of 100 Bluebird'
Click on photos to see more of collection

Photo used with permission of copyright holder or is in the public domain.

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This page was last updated on Thursday 17 May 2007 at 10:28pm.