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25th May 1986 steel cars on Hamley Bridge (Chris Drymalik - 35mm)

Picture - cd_p0105631

This Photo is part of Author/Collection: "Chris Drymalik - 35mm"
'cd_p0105612 - 25<sup>th</sup> May 1986 - Hamley Bridge ESV 8133' 'cd_p0105613 - 25<sup>th</sup> May 1986 - Hamley Bridge ESV 8127' 'cd_p0105630 - 25<sup>th</sup> May 1986 - steel cars on Hamley Bridge' 'cd_p0105631'

'cd_p0105632 - 25<sup>th</sup> May 1986 - Keswick - PGB 377 power car on Jubilee Trade Train ' 'cd_p0105701 - 8<sup>th</sup> June 1986 - Bluebird trailer car "105" Adelaide station - round the suburbs trip' 'cd_p0105705 - 8<sup>th</sup> June 1986 - Bluebird trailer car "105" and "258" Adelaide station - round the suburbs trip'
Click on photos to see more of collection

Photo used with permission of copyright holder or is in the public domain.

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This page was last updated on Thursday 17 May 2007 at 10:10pm.