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Re: Tram Announcements: another Victorian election conspiracy theory

Periodical ticket that has had initial validation but since failed. I 
haven't attempted to validate that ticket for over a week now due to it's 
failing. There have been no naive employees yet to try and challenge me 
that tickets don't fail and still try to validate it for me anyway. Things 
are improving methinks.


Michael Walker said on 22/09/1999 in 

>* dud ticket that has been written on by an employee of the transport
>company to validate it.
>* dud validator not enabling validation
>* station burnt down melting validator (I'm being half serious eg Bell
>* waved through by employee to get rid of the huge backlog trying to
>validate after crossing the corner of Elizabeth and Flinders in the 
>peak (see point 2)
>Any others? (all of the above have happened to me)