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Re: Tram Announcements: another Victorian election conspiracy theory

: Okay, now that the systems are privatised, you are on private property when
: on a tram, train or bus. The owners of that property are quite entitled
: toset whatever conditions they like on the users of that property. They are
: fully entitled to throw you off THEIR property for not validating.

The rules about validating are put down by the government, and now that
jeff has had a big kick up the **** then all these stupid jeff crap
can go with him. 

: But you still have not answered the question I asked first - why is it that
: in every other city in Australia with automated ticketing, holders of all
: tickets (even long term tickets like monthlies, quarterlies and yearlies)
: are able to validate their ticket each and every time they board a vehicle,
: but Melburnians are incapable of doing so. You cannot say it is the system
: that is flawed, after all, it takes exactly the same action to validate a
: ticket in Melbourne as it does in Sydney, Brisbane or Adelaide. It is also
: the same procedure as is adopted in a great number of European cities as
: well.

: There is nothing wrong with being made to validate every time you board a
: tram or bus - so grow up. (Although I agree, having to validate an already
: valid ticket at an ungated station *is* silly - why not just put gates there
: instead!)

I will put it quite clearly the reason why people don't validate in Melbourne
but they do in other cities.  TRAMS.  the places that people don't validate is
on the trams, don't give me any crap about how people in Sydney validate each
time they get on the bus and there is no difference, there is.  Trams are
very different to buses, and Melbourne is the only city with trams.  Adelaide
has the one tram and still has conductors.  Sydney has one tram and what do they
have on the trams now?  Thats right someone to sell tickets.

So trams is the reason people don't validate, they want conductors.  There
is no problem about people in Melbourne validating at train stations or on

People in Sydney that havent had trams (the light rail doesn't count) for
almost 40 years now.  Just remember
Trams and very different to Buses.
Trams is were people don't validate.
Sydney and Adelaide have conductors on their tram.
Basically people in Melbourne and happy with automatic ticketing now, expect
on a tram you have conductors not machines.

Melbourne needs conductors.

One last point compair validation on buses in Sydney to buses in Melbourne.
but don't compair vaildation on buses in Sydney to trams in Melbourne, they
are two very different things.


Chris Gordon