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Re: [QLD] Kuranda SX sets (was: [QLD] The last SX tin sets)

Bill Bolton wrote:

> Can you get it through your head that there aren't!
> Take a look at the article on page 2 of today's Australian newspapaer
> if you don't believe me.  The local tourist development board is
> hoping that Virgin might fly there and make it accessible to
> Australian tourists.  They say quite plainly that Cairns is comparable
> to nearby overseas destinations like Bali when it comes to access
> costs and most Australians who can afford that sort of fare opt for an
> overseas destination!

Can't you get it through your head that Australians do go to cairns? Although I agree
that the fare is rather high, you have to remember that Cairns is a long way from the
nearest major city, even from Brisbane. The flight takes about three hours to go from
Melbourne to Cairns, this is similar to the time for Melbourne to Perth.

- James Brook -

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