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Re: trial CityRail signage and info systems

In article <70vics$70d$1@reader1.reader.news.ozemail.net>,
  "David \"The Doctor\" Proctor" <daproc.remove.spambait@bigfoot.com> wrote:

> Where in my post did I say they did not have an SPI? I said the automated
> announcement system was either not installed or, if it was, mysteriously
> never used when I was there - there is a difference between an indicator
> system and an announcement system (even though they may be integreated, they
> are still seperate!)

In the case of Granville NO THEY ARE NOT SEPERATE!! An SPI is not just an
indicator.  It stands for "Station Passenger Information", not Station
Platform Indicator as some people say.	A DVA is often a PC-based announcement
system only, and an SPI is a combined indicator/announcement system and in
State Rail's own words the announcements are a part of the "Dynamic
Indicator".  When the display is shown, the announcement for that display is
set as well.  I have not once seen a display before 22:00 and had no
announcement with it.  Generally, announcements are made when the board
changes, 5 mins before the train arrives (and 2 minutes depending of the SPI's
location) and when the train arrives - sometimes more often.  So in other
words the only time you will not hear a recorded announcement is when the SPI
system is down.

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