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Re: trial CityRail signage and info systems

In article <70rr94$ft6$2@reader1.reader.news.ozemail.net>,
  "David \"The Doctor\" Proctor" <daproc.remove.spambait@bigfoot.com> wrote:

> That is correct, however the post I was referring to mentioned the NEW DVA
> at Granville

Yes I know - I wrote it - however it was about the SPI system installed for a
couple of years, not the new DVA which isn't installed there....

, and how it had trouble getting around the name 'Tallong' -
> unless there was a diversion through Granville, which also stopped there,
> then this previous posting was a complete fabrication (about Granville at
> least).

Fabrication?  Yeah I can see why I would fabricate such a thing as a missing
sound bite! :)	For your information, I believe the train stopped (from
Central) at Strathfield, GRANVILLE, Liverpool, Glenfield, Campbelltown and
all to Goulburn (with first pick up at Macarthur).  There was a pause on the
announcement between Wingello and Marulan.

I think this was the only time (again, approx 17:30) a service to Goulburn
stopped at Granville at that particular period and there was no reference on
the concourse indicators for Goulburn services.  The platform indicators
showed all stops, but omitted Tallong on the announcement.

FYI the service was operated by 2x Endeavours when I saw it.

If you need more proof, David, it can be arranged easily.

Paul McCabe

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