Keswick or Adelaide Station?

Adam Joyce (
9 Nov 97 23:29:18 GMT


I don't know if anyone here has heard about the proposal, but according to
the Adelaide Advertiser a number of tourist groups and GSR are planning to
discuss moving Adelaide's interstate rail terminal from Keswick back to
Adelaide station.

Their reasons for doing so are that Keswick is a dusty outcrop nowhere near
the centre of Adelaide and difficult to get transport from, that Adelaide
station is ideally situated in the centre of Adelaide close to hotels and
the like, that it is far more grand and welcoming to tourists. It was also
claimed that a lot of people rock up at Adelaide station to catch their
train 10 minutes before departure only to be told they have to take a 5
minute cab ride to Keswick!

If such a proposal were to be implemented it would no doubt cost a few
million dollars. Not only would they need to bring a standard track into
Adelaide station which would be very complicated with all the broad gauge
lines, but there would be signalling problems and TransAdelaide clashes,
not to mention the fact that Adelaide station is not set up for the
handling of luggage or interstate passengers anymore.

As much as I would like Adelaide station to be our interstate terminal, I
cannot see the state government forking out so much money...nor GSR.

Adam Joyce

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