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Questions, Answers and Tips

Hi all

I thought I'd ask a few relevant questions (and answer them for me) to start
a discussion about various things that affect us all in this group. It might
also enable people in the group to have more of an idea about various
things/personailities which go on.

Delete my answers and add your own. If something doesn't apply (or you don't
want to answer), wite something like n/a.

Q) What is your ausrail name?
A) Eric Cartman - yes that is an alias but my real first name is Eric

Q) What is your A/S/L? (age/sex/location)
A) 25/male/Penrith NSW

Q) Do you have ICQ and/or a website?
A) Yes @ ICQ 36329370 and yes @ website http://www.erk.au.com - new server
coming soon

Q) What type of camera do you use for stills and/or video?
A) A Pentax Espio 738 (compact with zoom) - I don't use video

Q) Do you prefer colour or black and white for stills?
A) Colour even though I have used black and white successfully

Q) Do you suffer from ausrailitis (using words such as SillyRail,
Terrorgraph etc), underwirephobia (the camera disappears in electric train
areas) or Black Sky Equals No Camera Syndrome (BSENCS)
A) ausrailitis - occasionally
A) underwirephobia - never
A) BSENCS - no

Q) Do you have a tip for good rail photography?
A) Have your camera handy loaded with film and make sure you get the
intended train prominent in the shot, not as a speck of dust in the

Q) How long have you been a rail photographer?
A)  10 years this year

Q) Which territories/states' trains have you photographed in Australia?

All except NT, TAS

Q) Have you photographed overseas trains?
A) Not yet.
