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Re: Questions, Answers and Tips

Eric Cartman wrote in message <38f40524@news.iprimus.com.au>...

Blab Blab...

>Q) What is your ausrail name?
A) Paul Jones - Also known as DJ WiseGuy
>Q) What is your A/S/L? (age/sex/location)
A) 18/Male/Riverstone NSW (nw sydney)
>Q) Do you have ICQ and/or a website?
A) Yes, 4499597 and http://dj_wiseguy.tripod.com (bits not finished, some
missing at the moment...)
>Q) What type of camera do you use for stills and/or video?
A) Aimex SP-500 ($7 from toys'r'us 5 years ago...), no video yet....
>Q) Do you prefer colour or black and white for stills?
A) Colour
>Q) Do you suffer from ausrailitis (using words such as SillyRail,
>Terrorgraph etc), underwirephobia (the camera disappears in electric train
>areas) or Black Sky Equals No Camera Syndrome (BSENCS)
A) ausrailitis - sometimes
A) underwirephobia - nope
A) BSENCS - yes, no time lapse!!
and also NCWN (no camera when needed)

>Q) Do you have a tip for good rail photography?
A) Bring your camera. For good gunzeling, don't bring said camera - The
ammount of odd trains you will see is inversly proportional to the ammount
and quality of cameras...
>Q) How long have you been a rail photographer?
A)  2 yrs
>Q) Which territories/states' trains have you photographed in Australia?
>Q) Have you photographed overseas trains?
A) Noope>

Paul Jones