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Re: Questions, Answers and Tips

"Eric Cartman" <erk_cartman@yahoo.com> wrote in message
| Hi all
| I thought I'd ask a few relevant questions (and answer them for me) to
| a discussion about various things that affect us all in this group. It
| also enable people in the group to have more of an idea about various
| things/personailities which go on.
| Delete my answers and add your own. If something doesn't apply (or you
| want to answer), wite something like n/a.
| Q) What is your ausrail name?
  A) Mitch
| Q) What is your A/S/L? (age/sex/location)
  A) 14/M/Sydney
| Q) Do you have ICQ and/or a website?
  A) Disclosed, www.mitch.cjb.net
| Q) What type of camera do you use for stills and/or video?
| Q) Do you prefer colour or black and white for stills?
  A) NA
| Q) Do you suffer from ausrailitis (using words such as SillyRail,
| Terrorgraph etc), underwirephobia (the camera disappears in electric train
| areas) or Black Sky Equals No Camera Syndrome (BSENCS)
  A) ausrailitis - yes
  A) underwirephobia - NA

Rest are NA