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Re: Questions, Answers and Tips

Q) What is your ausrail name?
A) James Brook, my real name. I hate aliases.

Q) What is your A/S/L? (age/sex/location)
A) 18 (almost 19)/male/Melbourne, VIC

Q) Do you have ICQ and/or a website?
A) Yes, but I hardly use ICQ as it interferes with Quake :-). As for the web
site, it's pretty obvious by now that I have one! :-)

Q) What type of camera do you use for stills and/or video?
A) A Ricoh SLR and a Sony miniDV video camera.

Q) Do you prefer colour or black and white for stills?
A) Most of the time I use Kodak Elitechrome 100 colour slides. This is why my
current photos don't appear on my site. I don't have a slide scanner at the
moment. On the odd occasion I also use Ilford black and white print film.

Q) Do you suffer from ausrailitis (using words such as SillyRail,
Terrorgraph etc), underwirephobia (the camera disappears in electric train
areas) or Black Sky Equals No Camera Syndrome (BSENCS)
A) ausrailitis - occasionally
A) underwirephobia - no
A) BSENCS - no

Q) Do you have a tip for good rail photography?
A) I normally get to a location with at least 15 minutes to spare. Then you have
plenty of time to find the best angle and set up your equipment. Turning up at
the last minute only leads to problems, which is exactly what happened last
Saturday when I stuffed up and arrived late. :-(

Q) How long have you been a rail photographer?
A) I have taken the odd photo since 1988 but I have been more serious about it
since 1994. I started taking video last year.

Q) Which territories/states' trains have you photographed in Australia?


Q) Have you photographed overseas trains?
A) Not yet.

- James Brook -

Victorian Railfan Web Site: