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Re: PHAs PHNs and Carriage codes (was: new XPT cars order)

James Brook wrote:

> As I'm from down south in Victoria could someone clear something up
> here. Are the PHN's the powervans originally built for the Southern
> Aurora and the PHA's were built later? I hate NSW codes anyway. I think
> the Victorian system is one of the easiest to work out:

Ok this is the type of thing I'm talking about.
PHN's were the origional ones on the stainless steel sleeper trains.
They had the panneling the same as the sleeper. The Crew compartment was
not Air conditioned.
The PHA's were brought in because the PHN's were breaking down and
apparantly David Hill got the shit with them and ordered brand new PHA's
with brand new everything included A/C in the crew cab. The paneling is
the same as used in the XPT/Xplorer and surburban C and K sets. 

As far as the NSW codes no problem they so a similar job

P = power van
H = Guards compartment with HAND Brake
N = Non A/C (I think)
A = A/C
C = Composite car first and second
F = Second class (Why I don't know)
B = First class.

Thats why I can understand how a certian group has a first class FS or
was it a second class BS car but that another story. :-)

There are more but  I gotta go
