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Re: Dorrigo 19th Century Treasures

Trevor Edmonds <trevor_edmonds@dingoblue.net.au> wrote in article

>The short answer is probably no. If a group wants an item, they should
>have the foresight to buy it when it is available. I do not see why
>those of us who did should be expected to become a supplier to those who
>didn't. We have had offers of $250,000 for 6042 which we have declined.
>That was from a shopping centre!

I rest my case. That has been my point all along. "They should have had the 
foresight to buy it when it is available" - what if they weren't around or 
didn't have the funds when it was available?

What you have described above is the greed, which will probably see both 
those AD60's rust into nothing, instead of a proactive effort to see at 
least one operational, even if by another society.

Bloody disgusting, IMHO.


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

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