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Re: Dorrigo 19th Century Treasures

"Trevor Edmonds" <trevor_edmonds@dingoblue.net.au> wrote in message
> Tony Gatt wrote...
> > Shunting around the yard and re-arranging the rusting hulks wouldn't
> > into that category I am afraid.
> >
> > Re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic would have been more
> Enjoy your ignorance. Its probably the only pleasure you get.

Maybe one day you fellas can prove me wrong by actually running trains up
there, but until then, I am certainly entitled to my opinion of you
operations, be it a very, very low opinion at that.

Nothing would please me more than for your crew to run trains, but under the
current circumstances, I still have 50 years to live of my average age, and
I can't see it happening before then. Chances are the line will be end to
end rusting exhibits, leaving NO room for any form of movement.