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Cemetery Tunnel (Was: Doncaster line revisited (Was: New form of rail transportation))

Daniel Bowen <dbowen@custard.REMOVE.net.au> wrote in article

>And today it emerges that they're thinking of extending the freeway
>westward to meet Citylink, because of traffic problems. *sigh*

Interesting concept that. Don't see the logic in how a tunnel that bypasses 
the city to yet another freeway will stop congestion for people going into 
the city, which according to The Age this morning, is what it's all about.

I guess it will give car commuters a nice scenic round trip around the 
City. Heck, to think one day you will be able to do circles around the city 
purely by freeways. Something like this could increase tourism perhaps! 
"Scenic Smogway".

Wouldn't commuters going into the city benefit a lot more from a railway 
running from Doncaster/Templestowe (most cars come from this corridor, and 
following the radial city model, of course, go into the city). Judging by 
the amount of cars I see on the Eastern Freeway every day as my train goes 
over the top of it, you could fill up quite a few trains - especially with 
a decent network of feeder buses.

But, once again, our bureaucraps are sold to roads.

Who believes that cutting fuel taxes may actually help the government 
promote public transport? Using the logic that, with less revenue coming in 
off the roads, there is less incentive to build more.


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

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