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Re: [Melb] Broadmeadows re-signalling

Tony Gatt wrote:

> I have no idea why both Starting Signals are provided with an illuminated "A".
> When Somerton is switched out, the Starting signals do not go back to stop, so
> therefore the "A" lights never work.

They would not go back to stop in the ordinary course of events, but are
there not circuit-failure possibilities which might make them go back to
stop? Is the lever position the only thing in their control circuits? 
Are they controlled by the position of the block instruments?

> All signals are track circuited, except No 19 (Down Home, Upfield Line), there
> is an illuminated track diagram, and the points are rodded, but "air assisted"
> because they are very heavy.

Please expand on the details of this air assistance. Where else is it

Eddie Oliver