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Re: [Melb] Broadmeadows re-signalling

> *snip*

> I used the example as an explanation for the use of three position signals
> not that it was a requirement for them to be 3 position, actually if memory
> serves me right, the BG down arrival is 3 position, which protects the grade
> crossing, preceeded by a Repeating Signal, (I won't enter into the debate as
> to whether  they are 2 or 3 Position), on the down line beyond the Home
> signal is a 2 position Starter (with an illuminated letter A),

I have no idea why both Starting Signals are provided with an illuminated "A".
When Somerton is switched out, the Starting signals do not go back to stop, so
therefore the "A" lights never work.
All signals are track circuited, except No 19 (Down Home, Upfield Line), there
is an illuminated track diagram, and the points are rodded, but "air assisted"
because they are very heavy.

Strange little place, but very interesting to operate.

Tony Gatt.
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