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Re: 2 EL's on Patrick's

Les Brown <pcc@ocean.com.au> wrote in message

> I just know I'm gonna regret posting this. Normally I wait until the
> next day before I send something just to be sure that what I've
> written is what I meant to say. I have made an exception on this
> occasion.
Les never regret what you have written. I don't!!!<g>


> Funny comments about me passing judgements. My reply to you initially
> was because I believed you were totally one-sided about the judgements
> your were passing on others.

I didn't pass any judgement Les, I never accused the workers of sponging off
GSR , you were the one who accused them of being subsidised, which implies
that they are getting something they don't deserve. I guess I am one sided
on the issue of people being held to ransom to keep their jobs.

>All I was after was more information
> before I made up my mind. You seem to have gone straight for the
> jugular of the nearest throat you could find.

It looked more like a statement than a request for more information to me??

> >Get real where do you come from???
> The real world, Bob, not the sheltered workshops that once masqueraded
> for government railways.

There you go, you obviously have very little knowledge of how the rail
industry works, I (like most railway employees) find
your remarks rather insulting, for your information mate, a lot of us have
pride in the job we do, we are not half baked Gunzels who just chase trains
at the weekend, I have no gripe with rail enthusiasts in general but I get a
little heated up by upstarts who think because they have a camera and a few
back issues of Newsrail they know all there is to know about railways.

> >What are you???
> Human being. More or less.

I'll take your word for that.

> Stick around pal, there is a lot more I can tell you that should
> dispel once and for all any remaining doubts you may have about me.

I'm sure you can buddy but to that point I can spare the pain, I know what
are already, Rod's pointed that out quite well, in fact if I spoke to Lance
he might confirm it!!!

> >If GSR. are half the businessmen they claim to be why did they buy into a
> >industry that is loosing so much money???

> Why? Because they're people who can probably run a railway better than
> a government can,  because they can take risks that no politician
> would dare do. And if they don't do their job well, they're out.
> Welcome to the real world Bob, sink or swim.

What crap!!!!

>It's a world based more
> on merit and talent than seniority and brown-nosing the boss that
> gained you a promotion on a government railway.

You are a gem Les!!!

>GSR are probably the
> kind of people prepared to take a risk and put their money on
> something they believe in. Could you ever imagine any government doing
> that, Labour or Liberal?

No exploitation costs votes.
> >Stiff luck to Serco and its shareholders, they've done no favours to
> >Personally I'd like to see them go under, however as always it would be
> >workers who loose out in the end.
> >
> Yeh, it'll be the workers, and the shareholders, who are probably one
> and the same in many cases, but not the government - they couldn't
> give a rat's...
> >Serco (GER.) have taken the AWA's to there legal limits, they are a
> >to Peter Rieth and his screw the worker philosophy.
> >
> As I said, where was the union? And as I also said, you aren't telling
> the full story either.

I'm telling you the facts buddy, if I posted anymore I'd be putting the
person who was involved on the line, I'm not prepared to do that here.

> Listen sunshine,

Don't call me sunshine, (insert Rod's name for you here).

>I tell you a couple of things. Any boss that wants to
> screw the worker is asking for real trouble. If I was a shareholder in
> a company that had that mentality I'd sell my shares as fast as I
> could. The best, most profitable companies rely on stability of their
> workers, and the more skilled the worker is, the greater the
> importance on stability. It costs too much if the workers go on strike
> or if they leave. To replace and retrain a skilled worker can cost an
> organization anywhere between 1 - 2 years salary IN ADDITION to the
> cost of paying the worker to be trained. It's just not worth having
> disgruntled employees, to say nothing about pissed off customers. I've
> been there, I know the facts.

Yes your the expert, I resign to your obvious knowledge on this fact, but
that doesn't explain Serco's actions, they obviously don't subscribe to your
point of view!!!

> If you are going to foster a "them and us" mentality instead of trying
> to encourage an attitude of getting along and making the railways of
> Australia actually work as they should, then you're either
> contemplating retirement, or if the railways of this country were
> closed down tomorrow, you wouldn't give stuff as long as you got paid
> what you think you're entitled to.

Isn't that the attitude you capitalists have??? Who gives a stuff as long as
the profits roll in, your mob encourage the greed mentality???

> There are those of us who care more for the railway industry than you
> obviously do. What a shame you don't work for the road-lobby.

Get real, I've got more railways in my blood than any wanker like you can
claim, if you gave a stuff about railways you would have seen through the
Liberal farce, this industry will be bleed by these bastards until there is
nothing left, then they will walk away, the Government will be left to pick
up the pieces as usual.

> Look, I don't argue with someone about how well or otherwise they do
> their job, but don't pick an argument with me 'cause you reckon
> railway management sucks and how the worker is the poor down-trodden
> bastard that management is always trying to screw. I've heard it for
> as long as I've been hanging around railway yards for over 35 years,
> and I was told it existed long, long before that. I can find too many
> examples of workers screwing management to take you seriously.
> Les Brown

Les I've worked with railway management, some very good, some hopeless, so
don't tell me you know all there is to know, I wasn't talking about railway
management, I was talking about these parasites that have moved into the
railway industry to bleed it dry, they don't give a F*** about railways or
railway workers, they only care about profits and if you can't see that, I
rest my case.

I look forward to you further instalments.



PS. Have a Nice Day.