AN Loco classes

Krel (
6 Jul 97 11:21:21 GMT

Does anyone know the reasoning behind ANs CK, NJ and NB class designations?

Most AN early loco classes relate to the builders -

CL class = CLyde
DE class = Diesel Electric
DR class = Diesel Ruston
GM class = General Motors
MDH class = Maybach Diesel Hydraulic
NC class = Narrowgauge Clyde
NSU class = Narrowgauge SUlzer
NT class = Narrowgauge Tulloch

After the CL the L came to mean Loco so we have AL, BL, DL, EL. Then
marketing got the upper hand and the AN (Australian National) class was

The only locos that don't fit are the NB, NJ and CK classes.

I guess NB could stand for Narrowgauge Botchup and NJ for Narrowgauge Jimmy

But CK class? slightly less than CL class, perhaps???

Anyone got any ideas????

Cheers Krel

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