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Re: Siege Mentality? (was Re: RTM 19th Century Treasures)

Chris wrote...

> Has anybody on this newsgroup has properly explained the CURRENT ownership
> structure up there.

I have mentioned some details in various postings. It depends when a piece
of rolling stock was purchased. Ownership is currently a mix of Keith Jones,
Keith Jones as trustee for the unincorporated version of DSRM, Fenit
Holdings and DSRM Ltd. This is not an issue within DSRM, it only seems to be
of concern to outsiders. The trust will eventually take ownership of all the
rolling stock.

> If it is all owned by Casey Jones how did he manage to
> collect all that stuff on a railway employees wage?

Only a few items purchased very early on are personally owned by Keith. Many
people have put money into it.

> I don't think organisations like the Electricity Commission of NSW would
> have donated locos if they had known it was some individuals private

It is not an individuals private project. The Electricity Commission locos
were donated to the old unincorported version of DSRM. Keith merely acts as
trustee for the group.

> IF (and I don't think it is) it is true I bet they want to mount the
> Centurion tank on top of a bogie flat wagon.

Thats exactly where it is going.

> If they do that they will also get a bloodhound missile to go on top of
another flat wagon.

That suggestion has not been canvassed yet. Did it ever actually happen? Do
you have photos?

> Strange though as model train manufactures such as Hornby and Traing in
the 1960's  used to
> sell scale models of these. Maybe the idea came from model train

No, we got the idea from the fact that the railways moved Centurions by

> I don't think the Australian army used to move Centurion tanks around by
> rail alot. They may have tried it a couple of times, but road transport
> would have been more flexible (especially for a centurion tank due to its
> weight)

The Army preferred to move them by rail. They even built wagons (the TE
class) for the prupose. Since we announced we are going to try to purchase a
tank, an army tank instructor has provided us a lot of detail on how this
was done (together with a sizable cash contribution).
