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Re: The stupidity of passengers.

mstrutt@newsmail.tafensw.edu.au wrote:

>         I used to think that the third world service with first world
>         fares offered by Cityrail was due primarily to management/govt
>         incompetence and bastardry, with perhaps a small factor due
>         to a few apathetic moronic little Hitlers working there.

Have you ever travelled on a third world service?  I should think not with an ill-informed comment such as that.

>         Since starting to read this NG, I have come to the conclusion
>         that while perhaps not the majority, moronic little Hitlers
>         are the norm at Cityrail. Even if the government can be
>         made to offer a credible service, it will still be provided
>         by tiny minded racist bastards who want a uniform to throw
>         their pathetic weight around in. I guess the rail workers
>         with enough brains to see what's going on and get organised
>         have already been gotten rid of.

You cannot understand what it is like unless you have actually worked for the railways.  I get abused by
everybody for just doing my job.  I have a timetable to maintain, but everybody thinks they have a right to make
the train wait for them.  If you want to see people without brains, stand at Bondi Junction or Martin Place in
the peak hour, and count the number of people who ignore "Stand Clear Doors Closing" and the subsequent
whistles.  They also ignore the fact that the doors are closing and jump into the train, causing injury to
themselves and other passengers.

David Johnson
CityRail Guard