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Re: [Melb] New Hillside Timetable, interesting trains.

Railvic wrote in message <385364F3.C0863DAF@primus.com.au>...

>You must have gone to the "wrong" premium station, as we have been selling
the new
>booklet timetables and giving out free pocket-sized timetables since
Thursday this
>week.  As for this location, well it has "...ing" in first part and "w...d"
in the
>second part of this one-word name.  Of course, we have been telling
customers that
>the new timetable does not start until Monday, 13th December 1999.

I still cannot see the sense in charging passengers for a listing of trains
(aka "timetable") that they are going to pay to travel on. One would have
thought that they would be readily publicising the times, to encourage
people to travel.
