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Re: Alice-Darwin Line

That may be true but during WW2 armies showed that they could also rapidly
rebuild destroyed rail infrastructure.  Moreover rail was a much more
efficient way of moving large volumes of supplies using far less people.


Malcolm Purvis <malcolmpurvis@optushome.com.au> wrote in message
> >>>>> "T" == T & J Jones <jonest@senet.com.au> writes:
> T> Wouldn't the same theory [a smart bomb could knock out a bridge] be
> T> applicable for a road bridge or other critical point!
> True, but as a general rule if a road bridge is knocked out it could be
> replaced with something that a truck could cross (however slowly) a lot
> than a rail bridge could.  You can't really have a train crawl down one
> bank, cross a pontoon and go up the other side!
> Malcolm