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Re: Siege Mentality? (was Re: RTM 19th Century Treasures)

Tony Gatt wrote...

> But you just said he was trustee, that gives him "ownership" for the time
> being, as no-one else owns them..

No, a trustee does not own the items in trust in the sense you are using.

> You guys can't see the trees for the forest sometimes..

I think my understanding of the legal position here is correct.

> Maybe they are just waiting to own what is rightfully theirs..

They had an oportunity to say so on Saturday and did not. You are putting
words in their mouths that most, if not all, of them would find offensive.

> If you die tomorrow, none of "your owned rollingstock" is actually your
> asset... so who owns it?

This only applies to those few items Keith owns personally. His will makes
provision for them to be included in the rest of the collection. This will
all be replaced when the trust is executed next year.
