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Re: [QLD] Park Road Station??

In article <392CADB2.56CA7224@netstra.com.au>, Michael Kurkowski
<mk@netstra.com.au> wrote:

>these locos are certainly far from detestable. If there was something
>that almost everyone detested in the diesel loco range, it would be the
>W class. I don't know where you get the idea of "taste" (: They're
>certainly more tasteful than that lime green Kermit 190 that you have
>sitting there in the Steamrail depot (-;

Oh well not so much detestable in a reliability sense, but more a track
destroying nasty cheap unit way. 49's had 6 wheel bogies, T's had 4, the
resulting extra weight and the habit of slogging side to side is suspected
to have caused the premature closure of quite a few branchlines in Vic by
smashing the lightly laid lines out of whack. They would have closed anyway
but maybe a little later.
As for K 190, it looks better dirty doesn't it. Plans are afoot to hastily
repaint it before Robinvale in November.

Stuart Thyer
University of Melbourne