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Re: March Railway Digest

> The other current affairs railfan magazines in Australia that I read
are the
> various journals  of the ARHS  divisions. Of course, Railway Digest
> out of one of them and has grown significantly since my first contact
> it in 1967. My contact with the others varies and some I have not
seen for a
> year or two. I do not like to criticise magazines that are entirely
> by volunteers. I stand by my original comments that Railway Digest is
a good
> magazine.
Me, too

>I stand by my assertion that trainspotting errors are not
> important. It would be nice if they never occurred but it is
necessary to
> devote editorial attention to important things.
> I have, over the years, either bought or had subscriptions to Railway
> Transportation (dull - but it died out sometime in the Jurassic
> Australian Railway (?) (slightly dull); Rail Australia (good - but it
> disappeared) and Pacific Rail something (where did this one go?).
IIRC "Pacific rail" died due to far too many inaccurate news and
financial problems. Readers also not very happy about jumping pages to
read complete story, I think critics kill this magazine. Rail Australia
is excellent, but far too infrequent and irregular plus financial
problem killed it. RD on the other hand had survived all these years
and just keep getting stronger:-) Good on you Derek!
Financial problem and relatively low readership(Australia does not have
big population from the start) are the main reasons for these magazines
to discontinue.

"Sunshine rail" is good for a QR fan like me. "Catch point" is good
also, "Signal and track?" is very boring, not exactly a tea for rail
fan. "Transit Australia" has far too many non-rail stuff like ferry/bus
etc. Newsrail is good also. ARHS bullitine is a good choice as well.

Remember "Network"?? where did it go?



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