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Re: [NSW] Great Service City Rail

(better late than never)

hubert@imap4.com (Hubert Lam) wrote in

>because of two possibilities:
>1. The Victorian rail system is so perfect they're sitting back laughing
>at New South Welshmen complain and whinge to CityRail employees that
>participate in this NG 

I won't say perfect, but yes, we are laughing at those who sit and call 
Cityrail employees morons (okay, I admit that I am guilty one one count of 
calling a supposed Cityrail driver "a typical self opinionated cityrail 
employee", but the attitude deserved it), and throw every insult and un-
constructive criticism under the sun at Cityrail. [begin hijack] Down here 
in Victoria, we have other resources than newsgroups to direct our 
complaints about the system at. Mainly, tbe Bayside/Hillside feedback 
lines, and your local member (of Parliament). You can also join the PTUA 
(www.vicnet.net.au/~ptua) who can point you in the right direction.

Down here, the system is fairly efficient, unless you want to count the 
industrial action of a couple of weeks ago (:

>2. The Victorian rail system is so unacceptable, with service levels
>"worse" than what we have up north, that they're writing letters to
>Bayside and Hillside management and in those letters praising what a god
>job their NSW counterpart (CityRail) is doing and hence couldn't find
>time and effort to hijack [NSW] threads to [VIC]

Who knows. Up there in Sydney everyone's in a hurry, so they panic when 
their train runs late or is cancelled. As Rod pointed out a few weeks ago, 
down here in Mexico, we are far more relaxed, catch an earlier train and if 
we arrive early, great! Get a coffee, sit down and enjoy (: 

Down here, boarding and quitting a train is an orderly experience 85.6% of 
the time. People boarding, wait to the side of the door, and let the 
quitters out. People quitting the train, can do so comfortably. Up north, 
it's sheep against sheep. Watch a farmer load sheep onto a truck, then 
multiply that with a farmer unloading sheep from a truck, there you have 
Sydney commuters. 

There ya go, topic hijacked. (:

