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Re: Sydney Rail strike tomorrow

Eben Levy <thekid@connect.net.au> wrote in message
> I am the same.... although it was not with railway workers but Jabaluca
protests in
> Melbourne that got me.
> I was over an hour late back from lunch one time because of there
protest.... this
> didn't have there desired effect but the opposite, I got extremely pissed
of with
> them and am now a full on support of the uranium mine because of it....
They don't
> think how it can also backfire.

Hey Eben!
                dont you wish you lived in Tokyo, you could be one of the
100,0000 or so that have to remain inside for the next few years because the
local atomic power Station failed yesterday, releasing Radio active
particles into the atmosphere. Sometimes protests are a necessary means of
stopping very rich individuals, and corporations from destroying the
environement [and us] in their relentless thirst for the holy dollar!
Would you just sit back if Howard started to build an Atomic power Station
down the street from you?
Would you also just take it on the chin, if your job, and some 1000 others
was chopped tomorrow?