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Re: DOO In Sydney?

>>>>> "Dave" == WhaleOilBeefHooked  <daproc@spambait.umpires.com> writes:

Dave> Then there is the problem of interference between platforms [...]

The European Railway Picture Gallery has a picture showing one solution to
this problem at:


The description of the picture says in part:

	Please notice also a short third rail in the middle of the track. This
	is an antenna which sends image from the station's cameras to the
	train, so that the driver can watch on his monitors what happens
	outside. Using these monitors, he can close the doors himself, without
	help of another person.

	Photo and scan: Adam Galkowski (bb17000@caramail.com) 

The monitors themselves can be seen on the left of the following cab shot:


I don't know if this third rail idea would work in Sydney.
Malcolm Purvis (malcolmp@trd.abc.net.au) - ABC Technology Research and Development

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