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Re: Tangaras are crap

Firstly I am sure, it was a newpaper advertisement. I worked out it would
be possible actually, by using both Milson's Pt platforms were terminators
and sending trains through platforms 2/3 at Nth Sydney. According to the
track layout at Nth sydney, up trains can go through Nth Sydney on platform
1, terminating at MP on 1, or go through NS on 2, terminating MP on 2.
Down trains can start fom MP 2, in the conventional way, or start at
platform 1, going through NS 3 or 2, and rejoining the dn line north of the

      Down |               |  Up
               |\             /|
               | \          /  |
               |  |\      /    |
               |  | \    |     |             N
               |  |   \  |     |        
               |  |     \|     |             /|\
               |  |     |      |              |
              /   |     | \    |              |
            /     |     |   \  |
            |     |     |     \|
            |     |     |      |
NSY:     4  3       2  1
	|     |	|     |
	|     |	|     |
	\     |	|     /
	 \    \    |\   /
              \    \   | \ /
              |     \ /   |
              |     / \   |
              |    /   \  |
           	  |  /       \|
              |/          |
              |           |
              |           |
               2       1
Milson's Pt
> Are you sure its not North Sydney?  Milson's Point has no terminating
> facilities.