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Re: guard/driver training (was: "Olympic Sprint Platform - Lidcombe")

C. Dewick wrote:

> In <926689322.109105@woody.hotkey.net.au> "Michael Walker" <walker@hotkey.net.au> writes:
> [...]

> >Victoria has curved platforms too, it's all done with mirrors. Or in extreme
> >cases, VDUs in front of the driver at the platform (although I don't believe
> >as they are that they could be at all regarded as highly effective except
> >for long sighted squinting train drivers, perhaps someone who drives a spark
> >in Victoria would care to comment?)
> With 8 car trains, and curved platforms you'll need between two to five
> cameras in some cases.
> [..]

two to five cameras which means two to five monitors at the leading end of the train for the
driver,for EACH platform?! Thats hardly going to happen. How much would this cost to install?
How much to
maintain? how long before they stop bothering maintaining them and thus become useless? How
long will
they last on many sydney stations with respect to graffitti and other vandalism (see thread
on "sydney having
most ferocious vandals")?

Also to consider: with only one staff member on a train, what happens if an attack is
attempted, as many attacks to guards have been mentioned on this ng and in the media (David
Johnson, your cue)?
For that matter, If any other situation develops, having available staff to assist and/or
contact authorities or
other help being halved, does this affect the train operator's (CityRail's) ability to
effectively deal with a
situation and avert potentially major disruptions?
