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Re: City Rail Security Guards

Any organisation that invites the public onto its premises is responsible for the well being
of those invited. This is solid common law.  If City Rail fails to take reasonable steps to
prevent the travelling public from being assaulted then City Rail should be held liable for
its negligence.  Call youself a professional, a professional person would not even think like
you do.



C. Dewick wrote:

> In <pgxm3.1570$gT.12423@ozemail.com.au> "Ian Larcher" <metalastic@ozemail.com.au> writes:
> >Wouldn't it be far better for Cityrail to bite the bullet and get those
> >other so called guards off their collective $#@%# and patrol the train?
> >Most can't even be bothered to announce stations let alone do anything
> >constructive towards improving security. By the way it's interesting to note
> >how many Train Guards obviously have English as a second language- maybe
> >Chubb has taken a leaf out of Cityrails book? As for PTU demands that these
> >jobs be given to redundant staff- good idea. If they were prepared to have a
> >go which seems unlikely- one only has to look at the currant std of service
> >offered.
> All this makes sense, but the whole Chubb contract is a political solution
> to a nasty political problem. The fact that there was a blanket security
> contract awarded stifled the opposition's complaints about the (apparently)
> inadequate on-train security presence.
> To be honest, I do not see what we (speaking of CityRAil in general) should
> have to provide security guards anyway. It's not our job to keep passengers
> safe from other passengers - that's entirely the individual passengers
> responsibility. All CityRail is required to do is provide a safe passage
> infrastructure-wise.
> The reason there are all these very isolated problems on the trains is
> because of the changing cultures in our society, and has *nothing* at all to
> do with the rail transport system. We move people from point to point - we
> are *not* responsible for each passenger's personal safety from other
> passengers.
> Regards,
> Craig.
> --
>             Craig Ian Dewick            |       Stand clear - jaws closing
>  Send email to craigd@lios.apana.org.au |  Visit my Australian rail transport
>    Professional Train Driver, Cityrail  |      and rail modelling web site:
>        and HO scale rail modeller       |   http://lios.apana.org.au/~craigd