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Re: NRC <> Brisbane to Sydney safeworking.

Krel wrote in message <364eb105.6864419@news.netconnect.com.au>...

>This happen already in Victoria. It is called Section Authority
>working. The train control graph is electronic; it will not allow
>"cornfield meets". The train controller issues an electronic authority
>via secure radio is the following format:-


>On arrival at the home signal at the facing points you stop. Insert a
>special key into a keylock that puts the main line signal back to red,
>motors the points and then clears the signal for the loop.

Why not just having trailable points like they do in Queensland - all trains
in the Up direction go onto one road (loop or main, not sure which) all
trains in down direction go into the other? The points are set up so that
when a train leaves (against the points) they revert to their normal
position. No need for keying then.

>Does this help or confuse??

Seems overly complicated. But then, that is the way of Australian railways -
why use 5 rules when you can use 5,237.

David "The Doctor" Proctor