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Re: NRC <> Brisbane to Sydney safeworking.

< Tell > wrote in message <366c2fb7.9477436@news.ozemail.com.au>...
>Considering the problems on this corridor, and I use a
>term from rail enthusiast magazines, that "delightful"
>staff and ticket working.
>Why not introduce Train Orders in the interim.?
>Yes I know, Train Orders belong in another era, but
>funny how they keep all those trains moving in SA, WA
>and the NT.  This bull**** of an engineman getting out
>of the cab and pushing a button on the signal post to
>get into the siding if there is an opposing train and
>then after getting into the crossing point, out of the
>cab again to exchange the staff.
>At least Train Orders will allow the train to enter the
>crossing point with the instruction to either, "take
>the main line" or "take the crossing loop".  When the
>opposing train arrives they pick up a new order and
>move on.
>Still we could not allow this, it might reduce the 22
>safe working systems that NRC encounter across Oz.
>Then of course we have the signals along this
>antiquated line which indicate different things than
>all the other signals down south.!
>----Terry Burton
I can see that you were never an engineman ( I was for over 14 years). From
my experience I personally would prefer the crew to have some electrical
means of safety, I.e. C.T.C signalling or a physical staff then a piece of
paper issued to you hoping that everything goes according to the plan and
that the train controller or enginemen don't make a fatal error.