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Re: NRC <> Brisbane to Sydney safeworking.

< Tell > wrote:

> Considering the problems on this corridor, and I use a
> term from rail enthusiast magazines, that "delightful"
> staff and ticket working.
> Why not introduce Train Orders in the interim.?
> Yes I know, Train Orders belong in another era, but
> funny how they keep all those trains moving in SA, WA
> and the NT.  This bull**** of an engineman getting out
> of the cab and pushing a button on the signal post to
> get into the siding

I can't see why that trains one way can't take one track with , while
trains coming the other direction the other track. This  would slow one
train down to the allowable speed over the points but as an interim with
Train orders it would have to have the ability to speed all services up
with some non stopping trains down to say down 25 km per hour through
the each location better than un necessarily stopping to pick up or
sinking an electric staff

> if there is an opposing train and
> then after getting into the crossing point, out of the
> cab again to exchange the staff.
> At least Train Orders will allow the train to enter the
> crossing point with the instruction to either, "take
> the main line" or "take the crossing loop".  When the
> opposing train arrives they pick up a new order and
> move on.
> Still we could not allow this, it might reduce the 22
> safe working systems that NRC encounter across Oz.
> Then of course we have the signals along this
> antiquated line which indicate different things than
> all the other signals down south.!
> Cheers
> ----Terry Burton
