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Re: NRC <> Brisbane to Sydney safeworking.

krel4203@netconnect.com.au (Krel ) wrote and I have
snipped a couple of lines:
>Krel< FWIW Track warrant control seems a good compromise but I'm sure it
>Krel< won't get a guernsey (or jersey!) for at a while yet.

TB< Yes, that could do the trick.

>Krel< ASW does this. That is why we end up with the first train to arrive
>Krel< "keying Main" and the second arrival has to key loop and then key out
>Krel< of the loop holding up the first. There is a price to pay for less
>Krel< flexibility.

TB< There certainly is.

>Krel< To try to clear things up the following are signal indication AIUI.
>Krel< two light signals ( 3 position in Vic speak)(double light, colour
>Krel< light in NSW speak).
>Krel< R/R stop in all states.
>Krel< R/Y Medium speed warning in Vic (40km/h) & SA (35km/h). Irregular
>Krel< indication in NSW.
>Krel< R/G Clear Medium Speed in Vic (40km/h) & SA (35km/h). Irregular
>Krel< indication in NSW.
>Krel< Y/R normal speed warning in Vic & SA. Medium Caution in NSW (proceed
>Krel< through turnout, next sig at stop)
>Krel< Y/Y irregular indication in Vic & SA. Medium Turnout in NSW.
>Krel< Y/G reduce to medium speed Vic (40km/h) & SA (35km/h). Irregular
>Krel< indication in NSW.
>Krel< G/R Clear normal speed in Vic & SA. Caution in NSW.
>Krel< G/Y Clear aspect on a repeating signal in Vic. Medium speed in NSW
>Krel< (next sig at caution, sig within braking distance at stop).
>Krel< G/G Irregular aspect in Vic & SA. Clear in NSW.
>Krel< Single light signals (2 position in vic speak)
>Krel< Red stop in all states !!!!!!!
>Krel< Yellow is caution but in Vic single yellow only used in distant
>Krel< signals.
>Krel< Green is clear but in Vic next signal MAY BE AT STOP!!!
>Krel< I won't go into subsidiary signals (we could be here all day).
>Krel< In some states flashing signals are used and in some pulsating are
>Krel< also in use. The meaning seems to vary from state to state.

TB< Struth, no wonder NRC are concerned.!

>Krel< The main problem is that everyone - Signal engineers, Drivers,
>Krel< Railfans, etc seems to think that "their" states system is best.

TB< That's true, some how, some way, there has to be 
TB< change and it can only come from the Feds with a
TB< genuine commitment to rail reform.

>Krel< Maybe train oreders are best -no signals!! But then again there are
>Krel< many variations on point indicators!!!!!!

TB< Yes, the point/switch/turnout indicator lights on
TB< the Trans are known to have a few problems, but the
TB< Train Order system along with constant radio 
TB< contact, pretty well covers any problems.


----Terry Burton