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Re: The ghost of Tasmania Limited

In article <752304$r56$3@news.mel.aone.net.au>, dbromage@fang.omni.com.au
(David Bromage) wrote:

Geelong is technically feasable for such an operation.

Indeed it is, and it has it's advantages.  When I moved to Melbourne, I had
my car shipped to Melbourne- it left Stanley and I had to collect it in
Geelong.  I enjoyed the train trip to Geelong, and the drive from there was
relatively (dangerous word for a Tasmanian) easy.  Stanley used to have rail
facilities (shame ANR- think of the toursit potential lost) and this would
provide another reason to reopen the line from Wynyard Airport to Circular

I wonder if a Crown Casino Car on the Tasman would secure finance from
people with money to burn?