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Re: [Melb] Removal of trams effect business

    Fellow Travellers,
    My impression is that most tram drivers hate the Ws. Even the fan
drivers are now getting less keen about them. Their cabs are draughty, all
the new electronic and communication doohickies now fitted are in awkward
places and cramp the cab up, the little jump seat is uncomfortable, they are
very noisy, not gear noise but wheel crashes and bangs over points and
crossings, and in a wet and cold  Melbourne winter day, who wants to get out
and wrestle with trolley poles with the rain pouring down on one?  It is of
interest to note that the ban was put on these cars after one very cold and
rainy weekend. Even if they do get these gee-whiz brakes, I'll bet that they
will still not last in service for more than a couple of weeks before
getting banned  again

