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Re: [NSW]CCTV Spying on staff

"Auz Viz" <ifuknowme@cwcom.net> wrote in message
| "Tezza" <tezza2000@dingoblue.net.au> wrote in message
| > "runaway" <whipfest@yahoo.com.au> wrote in message
| > | "Tezza" <tezza2000@dingoblue.net.au> wrote in message
| > | >
| > | > Supervests do not prevent accidents or deaths - as has been shown by
| > | > SRA's own figures. Not wearing one is only a breach of discipline,
| > | > safety.
| > |
| > | Try telling that to a WorkCover inspector, who can give you an on the
| > | fine for not wearing one in a designated area (and they have nothing
to do
| > | with SRA's disciplinary policy).
| >
| > That's actually what I meant. It has nothing to do with safety.
| >
| They may not prevent death directly, i.e. they will not act as a bullet
| proof vest, but from the Drivers perspective they give him a lot more time
| to see you and therefore take action (i.e. Break) earlier which may well
| result in you not being cut in half or at least sound the horn in enough
| time to wake you up so you can move away.
| Anyone who goes on the track in the mistaken belief that they are above
| rules and do not need vests is as mad as the drunken driver doing 130 kph
| with no seat belt - perfectly safe till being hit by something.
| Safety is everyones responsability not just the guy with the more
| vehicle.

The vests are fairly useless in practice. Regular workers, especially
private contractors, have such filthy, faded vests that they might as well
not be wearing them. As most trains don't have headlights and those that do
don't usually use them, the supervests are also totally useless at night,
despite the ultra-reflective strips on the newer ones. Most people also
don't even wear the vests properly, that is, done up, not left open.