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Re: QR and Photographers

In article <3889AF48.A5CC1CB9@ozemail.com.au>,
  James Brook <ajmbrook@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
> pdwyer wrote:
> > Speaking of which, photographing QR trains and slapping large
> > notices across them also draws lots of negative press towards
> > photographers.
> On my site I have photos of Victoria's railways and I put a copyright
notice in
> the corner. I have tried to make it as small and unobtrusive as
possible, but if
> I don't put it there then someone could use it and say they didn't
know there
> was a copyright on the image. (With a smart lawyer they could
probably do that
> anyway, but it's better than nothing!) If I photograph a train its my
photo and
> I hold the copyright, not QR, FV, ASR or any other operator. So if QR
don't like
> amateur photographers, too bad because we are here to stay. Even if
they throw
> us off stations there are still bridges and level crossings to take
> from!
> --
> - James Brook -
Put all the legal stuff aside still give QR(or any rail operators)no
rights to stop people from photograph trains, or search someone's bag
and ask someone to leave the station. Imaging if a group of tourists
just got of  Kuranda's tourost train and about to take photos, and
staff tells them to stop taking photo and leave the station

It seems to me the problem is with some of the staffs from citytrain,
who desn't know what is "Railway Enthusiast".


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