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Re: Is it just me....or more "ROD" speaks again

Brendan <nadnerb_2000@NOSPAM.com.au> wrote in message
> Okay I generalise too but still, its unfair to suggest it is only youth
> with the problem. Always someone else to blame? Yes, thats what most
> do when they look at youth and then see some vandalism somewhere.
> Brendan
Now come on!
You are not suggesting 50 year old Bank Managers and Bus Drivers are
scrawling stupid initials and horrible garbage all over my Garage wall, and
they wait for me to repaint it, then do it again......
Guess I better change my attitude, I feel really bad! I told that silly
woman who wanted me to replace her kids $200 Reboks, after stepping in my
trap, whilst painting the wall for the third time last Friday....damn
the paint on his hands must have been something else...
[Warning New Grand Father(well soon expecting on 08-04-2000) speech coming
       When I was a kid, I got into more trouble than Ned Kelly. I drove a
billy cart down Epson Road and passed a bus, was arrested and brought home
in disgrace, never sat down for a week when Dad came home. Built rafts, and
floated them accross green chemical polluted ponds in the Council Tip, at
Sunshine, found funny rocks that burst into flames when they struck the
road, and nearly burnt Tottenham down. Built a home made gun and pinched 22
bullets from Dad, only to see a friend lose part of his hand, when it
exploded, jumped on GY wagons as they were shunted in Tottenham yard, and
rode them down the hill, jumping off just before they hit up at the other
end! Till one of the kids fell under and lost his leg. And a thousand more
things as bad or worse. I never hurt anyone or damaged property
deliberately, nor did I disrespect anyone. My Mum taught me manners and I
tried to do my best to abide .....but..
        But I did as many good things as well, and looking back, I think I
was a relatively 'good' boy. I respected the Police, I copped a kick up the
back side many times, but copped it sweet. I respected my Elders and my
Parents, although I believe they were too tough on me to this day. I was
whipped at School and at Home, and I never lost respect for them, because I
knew they wanted me to succeed. I guess I appreciated that. I guess I knew
they cared!
        Now after all that you may understand why I say, with some
authority! Young People have no damn respect for anyone or anything!
especially themselves! They do not know the meaning of Discilpine and
respect for other peoples property is meaningless to them...Go and Die Old
Fella!...No room for you here!
Any one see Kubricks Clock Work Orange...a very relevant film.
        Answers ...Do what they do in Israel, put everyone in the  Army when
they leave school. Teach them respect and Discipline, because I guess me and
my Generation has failed to do it, and when they come out
they will have an understanding of what a great priveledge it is to be a
member of our Australian Society, and be an equal member of it, to protect
all of its weaker members, and yet be protected by it too.
        It is Young People who vandalise property, steal cars, mug old
ladies, push drugs in primary schools, muscle others at night clubs etc etc,
because you have no respect for yourselves...the rest follows when you can
find that!
        Please don't get me wrong I really don't hate anybody, I belong to
Railway Clubs and spend most of my time with Young People, much better
company than old fuddy duddies talking about Arthrithus and Death Notices ,
and Society has a lot of problems to solve like Greed and Unemployment to
fix, but that's what has to happen we have to fix our ills all bit by
bit,because divided we stay the same, and united we are invincible.
Now everyone stop making stupid posts and talk trains and I will stop
preaching! Mum was disapointed I wanted to drive trains....She had a dog
collar picked out for me, so blame her.
ps 9357 goods ex Tottenham had X41 leading an A and S301 First 'S' back to
Benalla for a few years I guess?? Went to Yarrawonga and I believe may have
led into Benalla on Sat with an extra wheaty??
I did not know I had it behind me when I left Riggs Creek Loop, only heard
it as the Geelong Crew powered out towards Oaklands about 1230 Friday nite,
was very sweet..