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Re: [VIC] Broadmeadows line today.

"Michael Kurkowski" <usenet.spam@gunzel.net> wrote in message
> dbowen@custard.REMOVE.net.au (Daniel Bowen) wrote in
> <KLQk5.1566$gP5.14284@news-server.bigpond.net.au>:
> >Just on that note, I've noticed the Northern loop lines seem to have 6
> >trains as a matter of course lately, at least on weekdays. Was this
> >the case? I know all lines seem to have 6 car trains on nights when there
> >are events at Colonial Stadium.
> Nup, 97% of the time, trains on the BMS line out of the peak are 3 car
> sets. Upfield trains are 3 car sets all the time. Not sure about the other
> lines though, but from what I've seen theyre mostly 3 car sets out of peak
> as well.

Maybe they were freak occurences, but several times recently around 2pm I've
seen Werribee trains at Flinders Street, running with 6 car Hitachi or
Comeng sets, in fact one afternoon my train from Frankston formed a Werribee

Daniel Bowen, Melbourne, Australia