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Re: [VIC] Broadmeadows line today.

Dave Proctor <daproc@spambait.ozemail.com.au> wrote in article

>> Nup, 97% of the time, trains on the BMS line out of the peak are 3 car
>> sets.
>Is this because that is what the patronage requires, or is it because
>they are cheap? Are the trains fullish between the peaks? Would an extra
>three cars be helpful?

Another 3 cars would be nice half the time, just so passengers could spread 
out a bit more - but it's not too often you have passengers standing on any 
of the services I'm referring to.

>It strikes me as weird that on the Penrith line, we get 5 trains per
>hour all day, all but one of them being either 6 or 8 cars, and the
>trains are more than 50% full between the peaks, and this is not an
>unusual situation across the CityRail network, yet Melbourne, with a
>similiar population size and urban spread (albeit different rail layout)
>runs small trains on the same (or worse) frequencies.

Under successive liberal governments, we have turned more into a car 
dependent city. Oh, and Peter Batchellor now. I'd be happy to see 
Batchellor become a lib, he deserves them.

>Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

Prove to me first that cannibals don't eat clowns (:
