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Re: (OT) The new Jay Jay Jeans ads (the one with the ticket inspector)

To me it looks like just another self-opinionated Cityrail employee who 
hates the work, and would rather the passengers didn't exist. No wonder 
Cityrail is the aparent disaster that it is now. Perhaps if some of the 
employees showed compassion to those who pay their wages, they might get 
something in return for it. If not, then passengers will move off in 
droves, and cause Cityrail to cancel services, decrease frequency, and most 
importantly make more workers redundant. Lets see who whinges then.

If you don't like your job to the point that you are compromising it's 
purpose, find something more suitable then.

>What a stupid solution to public-transport problems.  A non solution,
>which simply makes trains effectively slower than they are now.
>> I still think there should be co-ordinated access gates which close
>> under semi-automatic control to bar access to any platform once the 5
>> minute period commences. That would force people to be at a station on
>> time, and also help to control the surging crowds on platforms in the
>> AM and PM peak periods.

