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Re: (Off Topic!) Exhibition Street Bridge and City Link

(X-posts added)

Yuri J Sos <steam4me@enternet.com.au> wrote in message
> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:41:23 +1000, "Bill McNiven"
> <wmcniven@gunzel.ozemail.com.au> wrote, and I selectively quote:
> >So, I'm curious what happens (once tolls have started) when I naively
> >a NSW (or other interstate) registered car with no e-tag at all onto an
> >apparently public toll road which is the JefferyLink.
> If you can't/don't/won't see the multiplicity of signs coloured coded
> blue and yellow instead of green and yellow advising you over and over
> again that you are entering a toll road and to get an E-Tag or phone
> the 131 number for a day pass, you really shouldn't be driving as your
> eyesight makes you a hazard to other road users whether they be from
> NSW or Victoria <g!>.
> >  Do they invite me to
> >pay cash, call out the cops, post me a bill, shoot me, or what?
> The registered owner of the car will receive an infringement notice
> and  fine in the mail in the same manner as a red light or speed
> camera.

And how enforceable is that infringement notice for interstate vehicles? For
all notices actually, red light, speed and (now) tolls. Is the seome sort of
reciprocal arrangement between the states?

thadocta AT dingoblue.net.au