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Re: (VIC) Derailment @ Elders

"Exnarc" <gwrly@netspace.net.au> wrote mobs of stuff
which I have snipped:

Bob this could go on for ever.  I have a round of
twelve hour shifts coming up, maybe we can continue
later or maybe not.  Can I leave you with a paragraph
from a former SAR Train Controller who was the only
employee to also hold qualifications in all Victorian
operating rules as well.

At the Serviceton end of the line the train working
situation existed in a state of perpetual chaos.
Serviceton represented all that was bad in Victorian
railway operation.  That system has the unenviable
distinction of having the lowest output per employee of
an Australian railway.  Until 1984 train operations on
the main line Serviceton-Melbourne were based on all of
the worst features of 19th century English working,
lower quadrant mechanical signals (sometimes whole
forests of them), generator operated staff instruments,
every antediluvian operating feature faithfully re-
produced.  There was minimal cooperation between
Victoria and South Australian staff at all levels in
relation to providing accurate estimates of train
arrivals, there was consequently little planning or
consideration in regards shunting and operational
requirements.  Trains had to be held back and side
tracked between Wirrega and Wolseley until Serviceton
could accept them.

----Terry Burton
Alice Springs NT
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