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Eddie Oliver wrote:

> Just found an elusive photo of such a loco close to everest.  Sorry about the
> quality - was being chased by a yetti at the time!
> http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~Slisters/index.htm

Do my eyes deceive me, or has the 32 class been converted to a tank
engine? This will increase the amount of money Mr Bromage needs to
collect in order to restore it to original condition, but may reduce the
costs of retrieving it?


If this photo proves to be correct, and we tend to disbelieve it at present, then you are quite right. The thing is, if a 32 has been converted to a tank loco, would it really be right to convert it back - after all the tank loco apparently exists and is now part of 32 class history. Therefore should we not keep one as a record of the variations which occurred to the class?

You are right on a second point regardless. If we decided to keep a tank loco, we'd need to approximately double our contributions because we'd still want to bring home a tender version of the 32 - and then we still have the 34 class delema and the CR locomotives.

One final question for the group. Nepal is a fairly poor country as you know. Would it be right to 1. take a working loco from their stock if it can't be replaced? & 2. Would scrap value be the right price to pay, or should we pay a premium in recognition of the wealth imbalance of our respective countries?

Eddie make sure you see my note on the previous message - as a leader in our hobby, your actions are under scrutiny.......

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