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Re: Bluebirds to Run extra services in SA?

mauried@commslab.gov.au (Maurie Daly) wrote:
> Only a SA Transport Minister could come up with such a statement.
> From a rough calculation a full length IP,(assuming 25 cars) is 600 M long
> and to get into Plat 1 has to cross 4 tracks , the Harbor line plus the Gawler 
> line assuming a new line is built into Adelaide station .
> This means the IP is travelling at 4 km/h whilst crossing the tracks.
> One has to wonder how the STA copes with the IP crossing the BG tracks at
> Goodwood and at Y junction.
> At the risk of asking a rude question , does the SA Govt actually have a rail 
> policy at all,or do we have a bipartisan policy of getting rid of all trains 
> from the State ASAP.

NO, they have no policies. YES, roads are more
important, always have been.  The ALP Opposition down
there would not have a clue what a Train was.
Their ALP and Lib Federal pollies helped with the
formation of National Rail Corp, which saw the loss of
Australian National and thousands of jobs and millions
of dollars, NSW and Vic are still laughing.

BTW, a recent "Crowvertiser" newspaper article told the
SA public that their Government was responsible for the
Alice to Darwin Line going ahead.!  No mention that the
Northern Territory was alone for years, pushing various
Federal Governments and hiring both Canadian and US
consultants amongst others since 1981.  

----Terry Burton
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