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Re: ASR to employ loco drivers

Michael Walker wrote:

> Come on, give the guy a go. Whilst his first post may have left a nasty  taste in the mouth by accusing railfans of sabotaging trains, 

Well,  I don't think I actually made that accusation.  I certainly
didn't intend to - but apparently, that is how it has been interpreted. 
What was intended was a warning that ASR would not allow (some less than
responsible) trespassers (The key word here is TRESPASSERS) on the
property.  I don't think the average gunzel (or intelligent non gunzel
railfan) realises the liability risk, should a fan get hurt on the
railroad's property - there are PLENTY of opportunities to get access to
watch and photograph WITHOUT trespassing.  A tresspassing railfan is no
different to a trespassing grafitti vandal in one important repect. 
They are BOTH trespassers.  One trespasses to take photographs - the
other trespasses to produce (in his/her mind) a work of art.  But, they
are both trespaaing - i.e. breaking the law!  I hope that clears it up a

> at least the company he works for (through him) acknowledge that the Internet exists.

We do have a corporate website - (www.gwrr.com) - though the Australian
content is a bit weak - trouble is - I know stuff all about HTML !! 

> In addition, whilst judging by previous threads there are unlikely to be many takers due to belief about poor working conditions compared to AN, 

A matter of opinion.  Certainly we, (I am ex AN too!) had it very easy
when we worked for AN.  Not dissimilar to many other Government/Non
Government comparisons.

> at least he is giving those who read this newsgroup the opportunity to apply.  There would appear to be many frustrated train drivers writing to this group, 

(I would like the opportunity to employ some of them, if they really are
serious, and really want the job)

> at least this is an opportunity for some of them to become one.
> Out of interest Barry, are the extra train drivers required due to extra business on offer, perceived opportunities or is Stuart right in his analysis?

No,  he isn't, and I have indicated to him that this is so.  Our driver
numbers have not fallen since start up - they've gone up.  We employ
more operating staff now than at startup on November 8, 1997.  We have
developed and expanded the business (Patrick's - twice the number of
services - new local Adelaide work - more TOLL services - New track
rehabilitation work - Maroona to Pura Pura for example, was ASR Adelaide
crews and ASR locomotives working in central western Victoria) and sure,
there has been a small turnover of staff.  Some have been defections to
other systems, and sadly, a couple of blokes didn't like our Company
policies (on lots of matters - zero tolerance of booze and drugs, for

> ASR don't appear to be too railfan unfriendly anyway (although I speak from a position of ignorance in another state). I am sure those who photographed the quad GMs on the Leigh Creek line are appreciative of ASRs efforts to keep them on until the last (although I did read this last bit in Railway Digest so given recent criticisms of it's accuracy, I am happy to be corrected) despite the failure of one of them.

Sorry to shatter the idyll.  The GM's were on the coalie so we could
used the MK locos where they would be of better benifit - on the high
speed Hook 'n' Pull services  - but we know it didn't do us any harm to
have them there either!

> Is anyone else in agreeance or shall I stand alone encouraging Barry to keep on posting here?

Hell, I hope not!

Thanks Michael for your support.  I can't afford the time to answer some
of the more outrageous unfounded accusations.  I know that Leon has had
a lot of time & cooperation from my counterpart Des, in Port Augusta -
but frankly, I couldn't see the point in entering into a mud chucking
competition!   No one wins those.   Incidently - I have never turned
away a responsible railfan (Victorian gunzels included - sorry -
couldn't resist)  who did the right thing and asked permission to enter
the property.  The guys who saunter in as if they own the bloody place
are the ones who get on my goat.  They'd be the first to squeal if they
got hurt!

This is why I will normally only reply direct to sender - unless
blatantly erroneous postings demand correction.  I have had the
opportunity to assist a few with their questions about ASR and AN -
particularly with regard to loco power.  I see no reason to stop doing
this as a result of some misinformed comments - but I say again - I will
not engage in the sort of pointless game that takes place here at

'Tis a bit like the Monty Python "Argument" ....  
I didn't come here to be contradicted!
Yes you did! ........  No, I didn't ! .....  Yes you did !!

Thanks and CYA